Digital Learning Hub
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Consciously Digital: our free online course on Digital Readiness
Consciously Digital: our free online course on Digital Readiness
Although the digital age has been here with us for decades, societies and individuals have taken technology as an eventual alternative. When the Covid 19 pandemic hit, we suddenly had no choice: technology and digital, as only alternatives, ceased to exist and we needed to rely on technology more than ever before. The forced shift to more dynamic digital presence left us no time to really consciously shape how we work, learn, communicate, cooperate and exist as individuals and communities in the online spaces. So the question arises: are we ready?
During one of our projects, co-founded by the European Commission, called DigInclude, we’ve dedicated massive thoughts to reflect on this ourselves and approach this question from different angles. Are we ready as individuals? Do we have the necessary skills, trust and attitude that make us ready indeed? Are our communities ready digitally? What it takes to be ready on a community level and how we can support that? What do our societies look like? Do we have the infrastructure that makes us all ready? How about governmental support? Along these questions we’ve dealt with various topics that we consider key areas when aiming to obtain Digital Readiness. The topics are as per the following:
- Digital Literacy
- Digital Competences
- Digital Social Awareness
- Digital Education & Strategy
- Digital Citizenship
- Digital Ethics
- Fairness & Inclusivity
- Digital Inclusion
- Safe and Inclusive Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI)
- Digital Wellbeing
- Digital Intelligence (DQ)
- Digital Culture
- Recovery and Resilience Facility & Strategy
So that the people we work with, individuals and communities, can also reflect on the same, we’ve designed and created and online course to guide you through the process. About the course:
- It’s available online, you can download and print it for yourself
- It provides basic understanding on the areas listed above and invites you to dig deeper in the resources if you’d like
- It has hints & tips for improving in each area
- It invites you to reflect, with the guided questions or assignments, on each area
- It’s gives you the freedom to go as slow or fast as you’d like
The material is free of charge. Please remember to refer to us when sharing the material, we’ll be grateful for this little contribution from you! Thank you. 🙂
If you have any questions concerns, please get in touch via nora@hekatefoundation.org.
The course was born as part of the Erasmus+ project “DigInclude – Developing Digital Skills in Disadvantaged Groups” and co-funded by the European Union.