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Articles in English
People care
2020 is the year when Nature and its Corona gave us a lesson about something we always new: care is essential. We, humans, need care in many stages of our life.
How do we arrange care? How do we appreciate key workers?
Earth care
The European Green Deal is a set of policy initiatives by the European Commission.
What does that mean to the people? Or the green movements?
Active, healthy ageing
In 2018, the life expectancy of a newborn in the EU was 81.0 years. This figure was 5.5 years higher for women (83.7 years) than men (78.2 years).*
Fair share
There is evidence of solidarity actions and support for policies to assist the vulnerable in society, but that solidarity is nuanced, conditional and often fragile.
There are variations and cleavages across policy sectors and also between and within countries.*
Silver economy of Europe
If ranked among sovereign nations, the European Silver Economy (the economy of the population over 50) would currently be the third largest economy in the world, behind only the USA and China. And it will only continue to grow.
Articles in Hungarian

Információ idősgondozók, ápolók, nővérek, bébiszitterek, háztartási segítők számára
Köszöntünk az Ozmozis Platformon, ami az Ozmózis Közösség életét hivatott segíteni! Milyen eszközöket, segítségeket, lehetőségeket tudnak a gondoskodási szolgáltatást kínálók igénybe venni Regisztráció után a